Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions.

It is based on the previous 3-month average TCPL for a family of 5, multiplied by a factor of 3.5 e.g. the ceiling for April – June 2023 is ZWL 518,239 This is based on the figures published on Zimstats.co.zw web site TCPL for one person was
  • Jan ZWL 29,499.89
  • Feb ZWL 29,562.94
  • Mar ZWL 29,778.08
Average is ZWL 29,614 Family of 5 is ZWL 148,068 Factor of 3.5 is ZWL 518,239

It was announced by way of SI 64 of 2022 on 1 st April 2022 and can be downloaded

S. I. 64 of 2022 NSSA.indd (veritaszim.net)

The Total Consumption Poverty Line (TCPL) for Zimbabwe stood at $29,778.08 per
person in March 2023. This means that an individual required that much to purchase both
non- food and food items as at March 2023 in order not to be deemed poor .Click on this link
for more information PDL_03_2023.pdf (zimstat.co.zw)

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Our Consultants address meetings for Workers’ Committees to explain how PAYE works on dual-currency payrolls, and also advise The Board of the implications for your organization